Education/ Homeschool Consulting 

Curious how I can help you with your families education? Give me a shout!

I look forward to meeting you and suporting you in your Learning Outside the Lines Journey!

I am always happy to help with quick questions in an email or quick phone conversation. If it's something more in depth please consider hiring me for a consult. Even as short as 30 minutes (zoom or phone) for $30 could be just enough to get you started! Thanks so much!

Think outside the lines and let's do this!

Education Consulting  and Support for Homeschooling, Montessori & Parenting  

End of Year Progress Evaluations 

In- Home Montessori Design

I want you to have the optimal family learning experience!

Life Outside the Lines is the place to go for support, ideas, and thinking about what you really want for your families learning. We'll do it together, one month, session or conversation at a time, one subject or child at a time, making sure that you can see, feel and love your progress.

Jana has built a community of resources that supports your  parental choices, that applauds your successes, and empathizes with your struggles. Join the of members on FB or Insta for a rich, valuable experience.

Jana's Education Philosophy

Montessori, Waldorf , Unschooling, Charlotte Mason,  Homeschooling, Remote Learning...

There are many philosophies but what matters most is acknowledging that we have a choice and to recognize that there's more than 1 way to educate. Learning is fun!

I believe with my whole being that fostering the love of learning through life experiences begins at birth and never stops. Modeling curiosity, asking questions and encouraging children to think for themselves allows them the ability to problem solve and to trust in their brains and themselves. It builds confidence as they develop through the stages and gives them the strength to take risks. I believe in smart dangerous play, playing is learning, it's experimenting with cause and effect and teaches them to trust themselves. Allowing the children to have the bandwidth to expand and grow their sense of self, in technical terms, it's called executive functioning.

I feel that all parents should have the choice to do what they feel is best for their family. Education isn't just in schools, education is part of life to prepare to be independent. Education should cover not just academics but fosters experimenting with work experiences, identifying strengths and challenges, fostering intrinsic motivation and more. 

Today, homeschooling can look different for each family and that's perfect. I believe that making the choice is paramount and that alone means choosing success. Everyone learns and begins teaching with different skills at their own pace. The parents that take on authentic homeschooling all come to the table wanting to do their best for their children. Using a growth and inquiry mindset  with your own teaching and for the students is paramount to doing well and evaluating everyone's needs as it evolves. 

I believe in creating resiliency, having fun and that the flexibility in authentic homeschooling and remote learning  can meet the educational needs with a commitment to make it great. It's not always easy, and it's not always beautiful roses, but it's worth it! Let's do this!

Comment on Facebook for daily support and fun with friends

Instagram handle- Life_Outside_the_Lines

Always Offering - phone, chat, zoom and in-person

Homeschool Consulting

Beginning Homeschool Consulting - $90 per hour, $50 for 1/2 hour and can be tailored to your specific needs.

May Include: Creating/designing an in-home learning space for the student

 Beginning parent or teacher coaching session- top ways to be effective as a new teacher

  Resource  list for curriculums, record keeping suggestions for state requirements

Guide to get started, curriculum suggestions, learning style evaluations

Beginning advice to get going without some of the major early stressors

The Montessori Home:  This is meant for a home utilizing and implementing the full Montessori philosophy with the intent of homeschooling. In elementary grades the Montessori philosophy can be beautiful and empowering! This comprehensive home package would include...

1) A plan on how to incorporate the main Montessori elements into your home.                                                                

2) Ways and products to support green living and lessening your green footprint, part of the cosmic philosophy.                                                                    

 3) Healthy living for you and your children.                             

4) Montessori Peace (cosmic education) and personal growth direction for parents.                                                                                             

5) Gentle parenting techniques that work for everyone.      

 6) Resource list to continue your growth.                                                      

The Process- After contacting me, I will send you an entrance survey to help be most prepared for our initial in home visit. I would consult with the family about what their goals for the process were, and provide the above services. I would also take pictures of the home spaces for my reference, make verbal recommendations, and then via email, provide resources in all areas asked for. The parents would be provided with choices for implementing low cost, middle or  indulgently. I would continue to provide phone, email and zoom consults if requested under the retainer fee for each month asked.  (Price negotiated based on family needs, no less than $200) 

Reduced Fee

Reduced fee services are available on a limited basis. If finances would prevent you from receiving an equitable education for your child, please let me know and I will do what I can to support within reason.


Cash, check, Venmo @Jana-Betlach

Cancellation Policy

When the client does not show up for the scheduled appointment, without 24 hours notice,, the client is required to pay half the cost of the session. Thank you!


Life Outside the Lines Consulting does not discriminate based on sex, race, age, etc. 

Session Timelines: Depending on what you need we design a plan and payment that works best for your needs. Coaching sessions are at least a month at a time and likely longer to fully achieve your goals.