Calendar of Events
March 8- Online Summit- International Women's Day-
Presenting the Jaguar- HEAR ME ROAR!
It's free and full of spiritual knowledge, fun and so much love!
Register HERE!
Life Outside the Lines Consulting
Currently offering- 1 on 1 services
Energy apts.
All Program services
Soul Consulting
Products to live your best life
March 9- 7:30 -9:30 pm- Meet Your Spirit Animal, $40
Have you ever wondered what your spirit animal was?
Do you know the differene between an animal totem a spirit animal and how to read their messages?
I will be leading us in a guided shamanic journey to meet your spirit animal and learn how to work with the animals that come to you.
Join us from 7:30n -9:30 at Cat's Eye Crystal in Denver!
Register HERE
March 10- 11:00- 4:00 - Bone/ Curios Tossing- $60
Is there something you've been wondering about?
Try a bone toss to reveal a beautiful story!
Walk in or register in advance. This is an anciant way of osteomancy as a sacred and honored way to communicate.
Register HERE!
Want to see what my workshops look like?
Below are a few I have done recently. So much fun for everyone! Follow along on my facebook page for new events and sign-ups!
Hosting the Root Chakra experience at the Golden Rock Shop was wonderful! A full class always makes me smile.
We did a grounding yoga flow, worked with root chakra stones, I led a shamanic journey and we made sure to integrate our medicine messages by recording them in our journals!
Hosting Gridshops is so much fun for everyone! Thanks to the Golden Rock Shop and Crystal Garden in Evergreen for having me!
Until next time...
July 21, Golden Rock Shop
October, Radical Release workshop ( at Radiant Mountain Massage), was a huge success and I look forward to announcing the next one. For now, here are some pics to show you all the fun! We communed in ceremony for 2 1/2 hours including cacoa, crystals and grids, intentions, yoga and a group Reiki healing session that proved to be extremely powerful! We are grateful to host and we hope to see you at the next workshop!
Each attendee received healing Reiki and then Savasana.
Jana and Katie :)
Smoke Cleansing
Sharing the Love- Testimonials
Thank you for the crystal/mineral introduction. I have started my collection! The blood moon session was so amazing and so much about family for me. Thank you! I will now be talking to him a lot more!~ MOB, Lakewood, CO